[Barlibash] Reservations List

Joel jpubx1@westvi.com
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 19:54:50 -0700

Please put me down for Legal Seafood.


At 04:17 PM 7/27/2004, Hanna Boffin wrote:
>The list of folks that have signed up for Thurs. night (Dick's) and Fri. 
>night (Legal Seafood) are as follows:
>Dick's:  Miss Kitty, Mallorn, Lursa, jincey, djdeathskiss, mr. 
>djdeathskiss, Sally, Balin, samgamgee7, Elfriend, po, Alquawen, maegwen, 
>HannaBoffin, Tim, Charliems, daisy, Sirelle, Corvar, Kallisti, Angmar, 
>Nocturna,  and (cdfletch?).
>Legal Seafood:  Miss Kitty, Mallorn, Lursa, Catherine/Arwen, jincey, 
>djdeathskiss, mr. djdeathskiss, Sally, Balin, samgamgee7, Elfriend, po, 
>Alquawen, Sirelle, HannaBoffin, Tim, Corvar, Kallisti, Angmar, Nocturna, 
>charliems, Daisy, and (cdfletch?).
>Please let me know if you want to be added to the list :)
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