[Barlibash] Re: BarliBash arrival times

Anne Ouellet anne.ouellet@videotron.ca
Sat, 24 Jul 2004 12:48:37 -0400

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> jincey <jincey@theonering.net> wrote:
> hi folks,
> well barlibash is less than 2 weeks away now and it is time to start
> packing and hiring baby/dog/cat/plant sitters and finding someone to
> collect the mail and newspapers and milkbottles from the doorstep ; )
> we also generally start making a master list to see who's arriving
> when, so we don't lose anybody ; )   no really... oftimes folks can
> meet up at the airport and share a ride to the hotel....
> please replyall, adding your arrival time to the BOTTOM of this email!
> keep it short and sweet so we can all print this out ; )
> samgamgee7 and i will be arriving wed aug 4 at 12:09 pm (delta)
> djdeathskiss and mr. djdeathskiss will be arriving Thursday, Aug 5th
> at 12:25pm (Northwest)
> Alquawen will be arriving (by car) on Thursday afternoon, hopefully
> early.
> Anne will be arriving by bus at South Station on wed aug 4 at 3:15 pm

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<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;
<div class=Section1>
<div class="MsoNormal"><b><i><font face="Times New Roman"><font size=+0>jincey
&lt;jincey@theonering.net></font></font></i></b> wrote:</div>

<div class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;
<p><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=-1>hi folks,</font></font></div>

<div class="MsoNormal"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=-1>well barlibash
is less than 2 weeks away now and it is time to start packing and hiring
baby/dog/cat/plant sitters and finding someone to collect the mail and
newspapers and milkbottles from the doorstep ; )</font></font></div>

<div class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;
<p><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=-1>we also generally start making
a master list to see who's arriving when, so we don't lose anybody ; )&nbsp;&nbsp;
no really... oftimes folks can meet up at the airport and share a ride
to the hotel....</font></font></div>

<div class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;
<p><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=-1><font color="#FF0000">please
replyall, adding your arrival time to the <b>BOTTOM</b> of this email!</font>
keep it short and sweet so we can all print this out ; )</font></font></div>

<div class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;
<p><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=-1>samgamgee7 and i will be arriving
wed aug 4 at 12:09 pm (delta)</font></font></div>

<div class="MsoNormal"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=+0>djdeathskiss
and mr. djdeathskiss will be arriving Thursday, Aug 5th at 12:25pm (Northwest)</font></font></div>

<div class="MsoNormal"><b><font face="Freestyle Script"><font color="#004080"><font size=+2>Alquawen
</font></font></font></b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#000080"><font size=-1>will
be arriving (by car) on Thursday afternoon, hopefully early.</font></font></font></div>

<div class="MsoNormal"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#000080"><font size=-1>Anne
will be arriving by bus at South Station on wed aug 4 at 3:15 pm</font></font></font></div>

