[Barlibash] welcome!!

Po Evans poevans516@hotmail.com
Wed, 14 Jul 2004 19:56:46 -0400

and to be referred to as "the younger crowd" just made my day.....

/me crawls under the table to find the bottle of wine

From: Thorongil19@aol.com
Sheesh!!!!!!!! Run over one itsy bitsy hobbit foot and get branded for 

Yes, I am driving, and I am renting a Hummer 2 to make it easier to chase 
Jincey's good foot. But be warned for anyone driving Jincey around, bring a 
magazine or something, pack a lunch, it takes her a long time to get out of 
the car, hehehehe. I mean just ask Samgamgee7. He didnt have any trouble 
getting clear of the burning rubber, tire screeching, accelerating car!!!! 
Besides, the more I think about it, Jincey might of been just looking for 
some attention, she is like that. Always has to be the center of attention, 
heheehe!!!! Oh and regarding the "Thumper" episode, yo' all( Jincey 
reference) can ask Po, Samgamgee7, Elisule, Frode, Nimmi, or Gandalf about 
that one!!!!!!

>From :  JOHNNY WEST <jdwest1@fedex.com>

thor, ol' buddy----the worst was climbing back up the side of that mountain 
the next afternoon..........the maids i think went on strike after seeing my 
room.     : )

I swear I was pushed into that river!!!  And, Sammy?..... if you had stopped 
rolling back down, you would have had to only climb once...:pppppppp

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