8-26-01 Latest News |
WorldCon 2001 Programme
Strider @ 6:08 pm EST
The final programme for WorldCon has been published on the website, and thanks to the hard work of Vincent we have a list of Tolkien events that are happening in the Pennsylvania Convention Center this year. Thursday11:00pm Friday11:00pm Friday5:00pm Saturday11:00pm For more information visit the Convention's website at http://www.dpsinfo.com/2001/schedule.html.
Tolkien Heads - The Hobbit (Radio Room)
Tolkien Heads - Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (Radio Room)
Growing Up With Us: Children's Books We Still Love as Adults
Some children's books survive the test of time in more ways than one: not only are they read by new generations of children, but they continue to be read and re-read by those same children when they grow up. The great "children's books" -- Narnia, The Hobbit, Alice, The Golden Compass, Harry Potter -- can be read and appreciated by adults as well as children. What differentiates these from the children's books we lay aside (and which disappoint us when we try to return to them as adults)?
Ellen Asher, Tamora Pierce (M), Jo Walton, Andrew Wheeler, Toni Anzetti
M5 Grand A-F
Jeff Walker Film Presentation
Trailer Park -- A Worldcon Tradition. Wall-to- wall trailers, teasers, clips and featurettes from upcoming science fiction, fantasy, horror, animated and other genre releases under one roof in one room at one time. You can be pretty sure it'll include Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone and Lord of the Rings as well as a few you're not expecting. Gathered for MilPhil by veteran studio genre consultant and long-time Worldcon attendee Jeff Walker.
Jeff Walker
Tolkien Heads - Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers (Radio Room)
And Then It Changed: Fantasy Before and After Tolkien (Academic)
Did it change? Why? How? Suggest other reasons/authors.
Solomon Davidoff, Gregory Frost, John J. Kessel, Jared Lobdell, Darrell Schweitzer
Video: The Hobbit (Animated, 1977)
Video: The Lord of the Rings (animated 1978)
J. R. R. Tolkien and the Twentieth Century
J. R. R. Tolkien looked back to earlier times, yet his great creation is also profoundly a part of the twentieth century. Moreover, Tolkien's works stand as major influences on other writers. Fantasy changed with Tolkien. And while some maintream critics downplay his place in literature, his works have spoken to millions -- surely a sign that they are indeed important.
Jeffrey A. Carver (M), George R. R. Martin, Jamil Nasir, William A. S. Sarjeant
M5 Grand G-H
Lord of the Rings Presentation
Tolkien Heads - The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King (Radio Room)