7-25-01 Latest News

Big prediction for LOTR movies from Sweden
Tehanu @ 7:02 pm EST

In today's "Dagens Industri" (the Daily Industry), Sweden's leading business paper, the columnist Jan Gradwall writes about the coming impact of LOTR.
"The Lord of the Rings&rsquo, which is now becoming a movie, will without a doubt be the biggest media event of the year. No other contemporary cultural event will influence the time we live in to such a degree. All corporations who depends on trends, from Ericsson to H&M, will be effected by the waves from "The Lord of the Rings."

Then he mentions the internet buzz, increasing book sales, the movie budget and other popular subjects. Ha also states that this is not a passing phenomena like over hyped movies like "Pearl Harbour" ("-Who cares a month after the premiere?"), but something that will be around for a long time to come.

Thanks to Tomten