7-14-01 Latest News |
LOTR Premiere to be held in London?
Tehanu @ 11:59 pm EST
In a surprise move reported in NZ's 'Sunday Star Times,' it was revealed today that New Line plans to premiere LOTR in London, as a tribute Tolkien's homeland. Further details are expected in about a week. There may be a further premiere in NY before the general release date, and another in NZ's Embassy Theatre in Wellington, a few days before general release on December 19. Some of the stars including Elijah Wood and Liv Tyler will most likely be there. Tyler was back in Wellington to re-record dialogue, as Sean Astin and Elijah have done too. Someone I know spotted her at a dance party they were at, so it seems that Liv's still the same fun-loving party girl. Meanwhile, the Wellington City Council is working on plans to have a street party and special screenings. They've allocated $50,000 towards a free public event. What WON'T be free are tickets to the premiere, unless you're good friends with somebody like one of the actors. Tickets are available for $250. Don't, I repeat DON'T, email me and ask how to get on their list. DO email me (tehanu@theonering.net) and get on our TheOneRing.net list of people interested in attending a Tolkien fan event in Wellington on Dec. 19th. If we get the numbers behind us, we can pull off the kind of glamour party that you'll never forget.