4-24-01 Latest News |
Primere Magazine Talks LOTR
Xoanon @ 5:57 pm EST
From: Saint Just got the new issue of Premiere Magazine in the mail today (May Issue), and there are two small LOTR mentions. Well, one, and this other kinda related thing...well, read and see.
The main article this month is the 2001 Power List, that is, the top 100 most powerful people in Hollywood. It has this little sidebar "Dead, But Not in Showbiz", about people that are deceased, but are still showing much Hollywood power. One of them mentioned is our dear Professor, J.R.R. Tolkien. It says this:
J.R.R. Tolkien: New Line's decision to spend $270 Million to make the Rings trilogy must make [George] Lucas nervous: Star Wars was a rip-off!
LOL....I like that.
The other kinda related bit: Number 32 of the top 100 Most Powerful People is Robert Shaye and Michael Lynne, the two new heads of New Line (I believe). Amongst other things, it says this:
".....They bet on the $270 Millon on LOTR."
It also says: "Their Weaknesses: If the first installment of of RINGS tanks, all bets are off."