9-15-06 Latest News |
'Tolkien, Lewis and Hollywood' Lecture
Xoanon @ 10:49 pm EST
Matt Blessing writes: I'm writing in hopes that you might be able to announce an opening presentation by Dr. Eduardo Segura, scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, at Marquette University in Milwaukee. Dr. Segura's presentation is titled: "Tolkien, Lewis, and Hollywood: What Images Cannot Say." A questions and answer session will follow the presentation. Raynor Memorial Libraries Professor of Aesthetics, Philosophy of Language, and Literature Dr. Segura is the author of three books on J.R.R. Tolkien’s fiction and has translated numerous literary works to Spanish. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend this free lecture. Members of the general public are welcome, but must pre-register by calling (414) 288-5901.
Tolkien, Lewis and Hollywood: What Images Cannot Say
Presented by Eduardo Segura
Institutio De Filosofia Edith Sten (Granada, Spain)
Tuesday, September 26, 3:00 p.m.
Raynor Conference Center, B-C