9-12-06 Latest News |
"Into the Woods" - Atlanta Art Show News
Xoanon @ 1:04 pm EST
Jef Murray writes: I'd like to invite all Tolkien folk that happen to be in town this Friday to swing by the opening reception for "Into the Woods: Tales of Myth & Magic". The reception will run from 7-9pm, Friday Sept. 15, in the Defoor Centre defoorcentre.com. We'll have some light munchies and a cash bar, and the event itself is free. "Into The Woods" is a showing of over 60 of my latest oil-on-canvas paintings and oil-on-wood "cutouts". The works include a sampling of sacred, Tolkien-themed, Lewis-themed, and fairy tale images. For a brochure of the show and/or to learn more, please see my website at: JefMurray.com The show and the reception should be a lot of fun! And there will be plenty there for Tolkien folk and for kids of all ages: dragons, unicorns, mermaids, hobbits, plus scenes from the Shire, from Narnia, from Lothlorien, Rivendell, and even from Aslan's country. Please spread the word! All are invited! And please don't hesitate to come even if you never purchase original artwork; this is, more than anything else, a celebration of the mythical and the magical, and a great excuse for a party! Hope to see many of you there...please email me if you have questions! Nai Eru laitalyë (may God bless you) Jef Murray