9-12-06 Latest News |
FOTR: EE Screening in Philadelphia, PA
Xoanon @ 12:58 pm EST
Chestnut Hill Branch Library Program: Large Screen showing of the extended version of Peter Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring Date & Time: Saturday, September 23, 2006, 5:30 p.m. The Chestnut Hill Branch Library, 8711 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA will host a large-screen showing of the extended version of Peter Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring. Join us for this unique opportunity to see the extended version of this award-winning film on the Library’s large screen. This showing of The Fellowship of the Ring, on the date that Tolkein himself marked as the day Frodo and his companions set out on their epic journey to save all of Middle Earth from Sauron and his evil, marks the beginning of a series of programs and film screenings based on Tolkien’s books and films. The series of diverse programs will include hands-on activities as well as discussions of both Tolkien’s books and Peter Jackson’s movies. Please use the side entrance of the library. For more information please call Margaret Brunton at 215-248-0977.
Free Library of Philadelphia
8711 Germantown Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19118