7-07-06 Latest News |
Movie Chat on Saturday: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail!'
maegwen @ 4:13 pm EST
Unpack your shrubberies, everyone! Movie Chat this weekend features none other than "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Join us Saturday on our IRC server at 5:30 pm EST when we pop our copies of the movie into the DVD player and begin shouting 'Ni!' We plan to take a break midway through the film, to allow for stretching of fingers and backs. Barliman will be on hand to serve drinks and snacks (and to enforce the house rules). Be there or we shall say 'ni' again to you if you do not appease us. Also, please check out our Summer Schedule below, as voted on by the fine folks in Barliman's chat room. Upcoming featured films include: 'Galaxy Quest,' 'Ghostbusters,' and 'Princess Bride.' About IRC chat] Not sure what time the chat will be where you are? Check this little conversion table out for some help. America: Europe: Asia-Pacific: Where? Movie Watch happens on #moviechat on irc.theonering.net -- the TORn IRC server. You can connect instantly via our java chat client that works inside your web browser (find it here!) or choose to install a dedicated chat program such as mIRC on your computer. To find out more about using mIRC to connect to TORn IRC server, target="_blank">check out these instructions. See you all then!
Date: Saturday, July 8th
Time: 5:30 pm EST
Place: #moviechat on the TORn IRC server.
Time zone conversions
5.30pm (New York)
4.30pm (Chicago)
3.30pm (Salt Lake City)
2.30pm (Los Angeles)
10.30pm GMT (London)
11.30pm CET (Paris)
6.30am AWST (Sunday) Perth
8.30am AEST (Sunday) Brisbane
9.30am AEDT (Sunday) Sydney
11.30am NZDT (Sunday) Wellington
The Summer Schedule
Saturday chats approx. 5:30 p.m. EST / Sunday chats begin approx. 2 p.m. EST -- All dates & times are tentative until confirmed
Saturday, June 17: Pirates of the Carribean
Sunday, June 25: Alien & Aliens
Saturday, July 8: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Saturday, July 22: Ghost Busters
Sunday, July 30: Princess Bride & Shaun Of The Dead
Saturday, August 19: Say Anything
Sunday, August 27th: Galaxy Quest & Memphis Belle
Saturday, Sept. 9: Finding Nemo
Saturday, Sept. 23: Fifth Element