8-28-05 Latest News |
Dork of the Rings at Gen Con
Xoanon @ 9:38 pm EST
Tim Richardson, Director "The Dork of the Rings" writes: We recently made a splash at Gen Con in Indianapolis this past weekend. Attached is a story from our co-director Jack Peterson. I've also included a few snaps.
Jack Peterson writes: Well, I think I've finally got my heart back to a normal pace after attending Gen Con in Indianapolis this past weekend. It was a four-day event but I could only make the last hour of the last day since I ended up parking in Kokomo on account of there being around 30,000 people in attendance. I spent several hellish days hoofing it down to the city, which is why I look a bit thinner in my photos taken at the con since I sweated off half my body weight. Thankfully Dairy Queen, White Castle and about 30 other restaurants gave me sustenance along the way.
Meanwhile, according to the other cast and crew members, some old mangy actor who plays the wizard in our film won the Staff Choice Award in the costume contest which is quite surprising since his outfit was constructed from Goodwill clothes and scraps of cloth swept out from behind the sofa in my den. Apparently our two seminars went well, although they blamed me for the crappy audio on Saturday night since I was in charge of reserving the equipment. How was I to know a Sponge Bob ghetto blaster wouldn't be compatible with our laptop?
Fortunately, I was able to cover a lot of ground in the short time I was there (and not just with my shadow). I checked out our crafty competitors The Bed Rental Men (or something like) that since they're releasing a film with the word =93dork=94 in it next year as well. I ingeniously disguised myself as a slobbering fan and waited in line to have them sign my bag of peanuts during which I picked their brains to uncover their marketing plans so now we'll be ready for =91em, the poor unsuspecting bastards.
The highlight of my day was interviewing the comedy genius The Great Luke Ski while he drew a fantastic caricature of yours truly, though I think I ending up looking some like someone else I've seen somewhere before. Luke has also had a bunch of #1 parody songs on The Dr. Demento Show, which is about as impressive as being the longest worm in a New England bait shop.
All in all I'd have to say it was a very productive event and next year I look forward to having more time to check out the exciting food courts. This coming weekend I'll be flying down to Elf: A Weekend of Wonder in Orlando where I hope to work my charm and shmooze with some big wig actors from some film called "The Lord of the Rings," though I've never heard of it.
Coming soon will be a video of me presenting our antics at Gen Con so stay tuned to www.dorkoftherings.com for all your exclusive Dork info.