8-23-05 Latest News

Emerald Rose will premiere new music at ELF and Dragon*Con
Jincey @ 10:06 pm EST

New CD to be released at Evening at Bree party!

Emerald Rose has announced the completion of their newest cd, "Archives of Ages to Come", and they plan to release the cd at TORn's Evening at Bree party at Dragon*Con. The band will be premiering selections of the new material this weekend for audiences at the ELF gathering in Orlando. Emerald Rose has performed for TORn fans at many LOTR events, including post-Oscar parties in Hollywood. This is the band's fifth cd, and their most musically diverse, ranging from traditional Celtic ballads and instrumentals to driving rock songs inspired by world mythology.

ELF audiences will be some of the first to hear the new music when the band performs this Friday night in Orlando. The concert will include "Come to the Dance", which was used in the film "Ringers: Lord of the Fans".

The Evening at Bree party, the first of several celebrations the band is performing at DragonCon, will be held in the Hyatt's Centennial 1 from 8 - 10:30 pm on Friday, Sept 2. After Bree, the band will move across to the Regency ballroom for a late-night concert party from midnight until 2 am. They will perform on the Hyatt concourse throughout the weekend.

The band has a web page all about the new cd, which can be found at [EmeraldRose.com].