4-03-05 Latest News |
ELF: East Coast LOTR Festival
Xoanon @ 7:52 pm EST
TORN is finally spreading its wings, with the help of Creation, to bring quality LOTR entertainment to the East Coast. Billy Boyd and Elijah Wood are our first confirmed guests, with more to come. The event will be the weekend of August 26-28, 2005 in Orlando, Florida. [Tickets] And European fans, do not despair, there is a convention just for you in London that same weekend. The Fellowship Festival, hosted by AAA Events, will be held August 27-29, 2005 and promises to be as much fun as last year's event. The two events will be working with each other to bring LOTR fans the best possible LOTR entertainment, on Two Continents. [aaaevents.co.uk]