12-26-04 Latest News |
Denver fans to Toast Tolkien
Xoanon @ 11:26 am EST
The Misty Mountains Smial Tolkien Society of Denver is planning a party of special magnificence to celebrate the birthday of J.R.R. Tolkien on January 3rd. Food, drink, readings (bring your favorite to share) entertainment and fabulous prizes for kids and adults alike are all part of the program. The Misty Mountians Smial will host a celebration of J.R.R. Tolkien's birthday on Monday, January 3, 2005 at the Celtic Tavern, 1801 Blake Street, Denver, CO, 303-308-1795. The festivities will start at 6:30 p.m. and last until a little after 9:00 p.m., the traditional time to toast "The Professor." We will be serenaded by Marianne Goodland on the harp, will learn how to sing "Happy Birthday" in Elvish and will toast the professor in both English and Mandarin Chinese in honor of our sister-smail, Tol Eressea, in Taiwan! A generous buffet of hearty appetizers will be served. Best of all, there will be mathoms for all and fabulous prize giveaways! Our Grand Prize will be Sideshow/WETA's High Elven Infantry Helm (this is a sold out item!) donated by our good friends at The Mathom House (www.the-mathom-house.com) who carry some of the best deals on weapon replicas on the internet. Other fabulous prizes include a copy of "The Atlas of Middle-earth," personally signed by Karen Wynn Fonstad to the winner of our drawing, a beautiful, hand-made Hillman knife from Angmar forged by our very own president Walt, t-shirts, toys, posters, movie passes, books, and more! The cost is as follows: $16.00 for teenagers & adults ($20.00 after 12/29 &/or at the door) Payment can be made via Paypal to mistymountainssmial@gmail.com, or via check made out to Pat Dawson & mailed to "Misty Mountains Smial" P.O. Box 203, Lafayette, CO, 80026. We will also accept cash at the door, however payment in advance is greatly appreciated so we can guarantee everyone a mathom. Please give your name and be specific about the number of adults, kids, etc. in your party. Questions? Email 'mistymountainssmial@gmail.com or visit our website at movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/misty-mountains-smial/ Hope to see all Denver-area fans and scholars there!
$11.00 for kids ages 8-12 ($15.00 after 12/29 &/or at the door)
Kids under 8 free