12-16-04 Latest News |
Talk RoTK EE This Weekend At HoF!
Demosthenes @ 7:19 pm EST
If you already have your copy of the Return of the King Extended Edition, you've probably worn it out by now. And we bet you're burning to talk about the additional footage: how well it works, whether it fits in and how well it adds to the overall storyline. That's why this weekend in Hall of Fire, we're having a special session on the Return of the King Extended Edition: 'Return of the King EE: Are you satisfied now?' Come along and join and give us your opinion! === Dec 26 Only: Jan 1 and 2: Jan 8 and 9: Jan 16 and 17: === === Saturday Chat: Sunday Chat: [also 2:00pm (14:00) EST and 6:00am Monday morning Australian summer time] EST = Eastern Time, USA's East Coast
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