11-18-04 Latest News |
Hall of Fire Chats This Weekend
Demosthenes @ 11:23 pm EST
Whose life would you most want to live in Tolkien's Middle Earth? Now, we don't mean who is your favorite character, but whose life, both the good and bad, do you long to experience for yourself? Is it the character you most admire and look up to? Is it a character you feel you relate to the most? Or is it someone you just think seems to have a lot of fun? Do you crave a life of weapons and warfare, or are wooded valleys or tilled fields more your speed? Are you a skin-changing loner, a nameless wanderer, a horse lord or an elvish queen? Are some characters too good to have interesting lives? Would you give up some nobility or goodness for a life with a little bit more spice? Or would you rather just pass the time as the fox that notices three hobbits camping out in the wild? Whichever your preference, this is bound to be serve up an interesting discussion. Join us in #thehalloffire as we consider "If I lived in Middle-earth; Which of Tolkien s characters would I like to be?" === 11/27 and 11/28: The Hobbit: Chapter 18: The Return Journey and Chapter 19: The Last Stage 12/4 and 12/5: Concerning Hobbits: Everything you ever wanted to know about those little guys. === === Saturday Chat: 5:30pm EST (17:30) Sunday Chat: EST = Eastern Time, USA's East Coast
Upcoming topics:
Place: #thehalloffire on theonering.net IRC server.
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Chat Times:
[also 11:30pm (23:30) CET and 7:30am Sunday morning AEST]
8:00 pm (20:00) CET
[also 2:00pm (14:00) EST and 4:00am Monday morning AEST]
CET = Central European Time, Central Europe
AEST = Australian East Coast