11-14-04 Latest News |
Howard Shore concert in Seville, Spain
Xoanon @ 12:50 pm EST
Wing-ap-o writes: I write on behalf of a group of fans of Lord of the Rings from Spain which met at first through the internet in a movie forum called Cinelandia. We're known as the ringers there ('anilleros' in Spanish) and our nicks are Miss Blanchett, Rondador, BudWhite, Dandreemex, SombraGris and J.R.R.T.
As you surely know, last weekend the city of Seville (Spain) had the honor to be part of the Lord of the Rings Symphony tour. The Maestranza Theater brought together people from all the country for two consecutive nights, and joined them in a tremendously emotional experience. Howard Shore conducted the Seville Royal Symphony Orchestra accompanied by the Cajasur Opera Choir, the 'El Mesias' voice Choir and the Choirboys of 'Los Palacios'. Sissel also attended the concert and amazed the audience with her beautiful voice and performance.
It was a very special night for us. We were lucky enough to attend the show on saturday after plenty of trouble getting tickets (they literally ran out in a snap). It was a wonderful surprise to find how humble and kind Mr. Shore is. He signed and had a few words with hundreds of fans after the concert for more than one and a half hour. And after that he had a photograph taken with those who were waiting outside the theater.
I'm sending you some photos from that evening, in case you want to include them in your "scrapbook" section.
Thank you very much and keep up the good work! Greetings from Spain.