10-03-04 Latest News |
Tolkien Lecture in Longmont, CO
Xoanon @ 5:52 pm EST
Altaira sends along word of Tolkien lecture in Longmont, CO Joseph Pearce, author of, "Tolkien: Man and Myth" and, "Tolkien: ACelebration" will be making several presentations as part of a two dayseminar entitled: Unlocking The Lord of the Rings. The presentationswill take place on Saturday evening, October 2, and Sunday morning,October 3rd in Longmont, Colorado. Two presentations Saturday evening explore Tolkien, the man, and whyhe believed in the relationship between myth and truth. The Sundaymorning presentation will explore why Tolkien referred to The Lord ofthe Rings as a "fundamentally religious work." Follow the link for exact times and locations. The cost is $25.00which includes refreshments at the Saturday evening event.Registrations will be accepted at the door. [More]