3-22-04 Latest News |
Astin At Genesis Awards Show
Xoanon @ 9:40 pm EST
Lhunsarniel writes: Saturday night at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, I was volunteering for the 18th annual Genesis Awards show wherein Sean Astin and his wife were guests and presenters. I got to escort them both to their table (they arrived late). The Genesis Awards will air on the Animal Planet channel early to mid-month April. As I was walking them to their table, they were intercepted by someone from the Born Free Foundation who chatted with Sean about big cats in captivity and their plight as well as the fact that Virgina McKenna was an honorary at our awards program. Sean seemed genuinely interested in this issue so I'd say we may see him and his wife both more active in animal rights issues which is a big plus for us animal lovers and the Humane Society of the US! I wanted to chat a wee bit with him myself, but with him being a late arrival, I had to get him to his table. Then, when Sean was up on stage doing the intro for his segment, he said he this was his first Genesis awards show and we certainly hope it's not his last. If you're interested in knowing more about the Genesis Awards, check out www.genesisawards.com Or, www.animalplanet.com for the actual show time when it's ready to be aired.