3-20-04 Latest News |
Hall Of Fire Chats This Weekend
Frode @ 5:35 am EST
The Company set off into the Mountains and Bilbo Baggins finds that the storms and the cold are something quite different from anything he's ever experienced in his safe little Shire. Seeking shelter in a cave from the storm and the rock throwing Stone Giants, they discover that there are even worse dangers lurking in the Misty Mountains. What does this chapter tell us about the state of the Misty Mountains and Middle Earth in general? What are Stone Giants exactly? What do we learn about Orcrist and Glamdring and what are their effect on the Goblins? Join us in #thehalloffire as we take a look at Chapter 4 of 'The Hobbit' - Over hill and under hill. Upcoming topics: Weekend 26/27 of March: Tolkien and technology Times: Sunday Chat: ET = Eastern Time, USA's East Coast Do you have a possible topic for Hall of Fire? Drop us a line at
Weekend 2/3 of April: Chapter 5 - Riddles in the dark
Saturday Chat:
5:30pm ET (17:30)
[also 11:30pm (23:30) CET and 9:30am Sunday (09:30) AET]
7:00 pm (19:00) CET
[also 1:00pm (13:00) ET and 5:00am (05:00) Monday morning AET]
CET = Central European Time, Central Europe
AET = Australian East Coast