2-23-04 Latest News |
Paul Bedali: Red Carpet Anticipation
Tookish @ 8:35 pm EST
By Alaina Manning, Freelance Writer Have you ever attended an Oscar party? If not, now you can say you know someone who has. Paul Badali, local jeweler and president of Badali Jewelry Specialties Inc., is attending the Oscars with style. Paul was commissioned after the first Lord of The Rings movie to create a pin that was presented to the cast members for good luck at the Oscars from TheOneRing.net. Every year thereafter Paul has created a pin that has been presented to the actors, director, producers, and crew of The Lord of The Rings movie. In February Paul and his business manager, Loria Badali, will be attending TheOneRing.net Oscar party as VIP’s. “I look forward to meeting the people behind The Lord of The Rings movies, those who hold our company in high regard. I am looking forward to knowing them on a personal level.” So, what would Paul enjoy most of all? “I would really like to meet Peter Jackson; I feel that we have a real kinship. The ideas and thoughts he has about The Lord of The Rings, shown by his extraordinary work, is much the same as mine. Tolkien has given us a great work to admire for a lifetime.” The creation of the three pins for the Oscars is only a small part of the connection Badali has to The Lord of The Rings saga. Paul and his staff have been licensed by Tolkien Enterprise to create versions of The Lord of The Rings jewelry as depicted in the novels written by J.R.R. Tolkien. “It’s been a long road to success. I am humble and grateful for this experience,” Paul stated while polishing a 14k gold One Ring of PowerTM. Along the path to fame Badali Jewelry became a global company, “It feels a bit incredible. I don’t feel that it was myself that made my company so successful, I feel that my hard work and determination played a large part, but the company is what it is today because of my employees.” He said leaning back from his work. “I contribute my success with the people I have surrounded myself with. You can’t manage people, you can just devise a system that works and find extraordinary people to run it. If you are getting bad results it’s not the people, it’s the system.” Would you be interested in who his incredible employees are? Would you be surprised if they consisted primarily of his family members? “My oldest daughter is the business manager, my second to oldest daughter is the product manager, and my second youngest daughter does all our graphic artwork. Our first line jeweler, who I feel is the son I never had, (being a father of four girls) has been with the company for six years.” When viewing the Badali Jewelry Specialties Inc. website (www.badalijewelry.com) you can see the expertise and precisions that are placed in Badali’s works. “The challenge is to stretch my limits and make something that makes a difference in life. To be happy and satisfied with the work I perform. Success is as simple as feeling like you have accomplished what you set out to do that day. My jewelry is a personal contribution to others of my commit to quality of life.” There’s a reason why Paul is so dedicated to his work: “I have always felt that life will throw you a curve ball. You have to be determined and refuse to give up. It has been a lifelong dream to create The One Ring of PowerTM, but to see our company soar so high was beyond my comprehension.” When asked what moments led up to Paul’s success he said, “Failure. Failure, failure, and failure. I banged my head against a rock for 20 years trying to find a business that would work. This go around I found the correct product with a key market and the perfect people to run my business.” “Again, I feel humble and grateful. It’s a sense of self-actualization to finally succeed. We strive to make customized jewelry products that are as flawless as humanly possible. It feels great to be recognized for our efforts.” In Paul’s personal life he enjoys scuba diving and fly fishing. “My passion in life is fly fishing. I have a very scientific and methodical way of catching fish. Success in fishing, in my mind, is virtually guaranteed. I have learned a system that works, the right tools, and how to apply them. This type of system can be applied to most things in life and equal success.” Well, we will be sure to keep our eye on Paul. Success comes in many ways and Paul is determined to keep on succeeding, “Life is short. I am here to find out who I am and what it is that I choose to do: serve my selfish goals or help others. Life is a do-it-to-yourself experience.”