1-25-04 Latest News |
Expanded Coverage on Hollywood Jesus
Tehanu @ 3:04 am EST
Greg Wright's January column has been posted on Hollywood Jesus, available at the URL below. It begins, "Go back and re-read the sequences related to Pippin and the palantir, and I think you'll find something pretty striking: that Jackson does a better job of dramatizing Pippin and his relationship with Merry than does Tolkien... But finally, the big lesson for Tolkien is that there simply are things bigger than us that we can't grasp, that we can't control; and that, if we meddle with them, we may be placing ourselves in grave danger... The point is not that these things are necessarily evil in themselves; but that, like the palantir, we can't always be sure of the powers behind such things, whether good or ill --" [More] Also, coverage of "The Lord of the Rings" at Hollywood Jesus is expanding for 2004! In addition to Greg Wright's usual ongoing series of monthly features, HJ will be adding three new monthly features as well -- something new every week! First, Greg will be presenting a series of guest features from writers and ministers who have followed the work at Hollywood Jesus. The guest list includes Jeffrey Overstreet (Looking Closer), Cliff Vaughan (Ethics Daily) and Regina Doman (Caelum et Terra) among others. This month's debut column: The Voice of Saruman is a look at the significantly missing episide in Jackson's movies -- is contribued by Brian Overland, a prolific writer of technical books and movie reviewer (The Door). Also debuting today is the E-mail of the Month feature, highlighting some of the more interesting (and controversial) correspondence that courses through Greg's PC. Debuting next Wednesday is a series of interviews with cast and crew of Jackson's epic film series. The first of Greg's entries in this series is The Wolf in Wolf's Clothing: An Interview with John Rhys-Davies. The ever-colorful creator of Gimli for the screen is his irrepressible self in this discussion of our generation's "supreme challenge."