12-30-03 Latest News |
Peter Jackson Conversation Tix available now!
Xoanon @ 8:03 pm EST
Liz sends along word she heard from the Lincoln Center: We've got great New Year's news for you -- Tickets have just become available for the Sunday January 11, 2 pm CONVERSATION WITH PETER JACKSON. Tickets are available NOW! Only two ways to buy them: - IN PERSON at the Alice Tully Hall Box Office, Broadway at 65th Street, NYC (Hours: Monday - Saturday 11am - 6pm; Sunday 12 noon - 6 pm. Info: 212-875-5050) - BY PHONE at Centercharge: (212) 721-6500 (Mon - Sat 10 - 8; Sun There is a $5.50 handling charge per ticket when ordering from Centercharge. Currently all screenings of the films on Saturday January 10 are still sold out. If and when tickets become available, we will notify you immediately. There will be a standby line at Alice Tully Hall (Broadway & 65th St.) on the day of the event for the limited number of tickets that are turned back or not picked up. Arrive early, dress warmly, and we wish you the best of luck! Details on all the weekend's events are below, including an updated list of cast members attending: On Saturday, January 10: All three films shown as one event, with Peter Jackson and cast in attendance, including Elijah Wood, Sean Bean, Viggo Mortenson and Andy Serkis. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING (extended edition), introduced by cast members Time: 10:00 am THE TWO TOWERS (extended edition), introduced by cast members Time: 3:00 pm THE RETURN OF THE KING, followed by a Q&A session with Peter Time: 8:30 pm CONVERSATION WITH PETER JACKSON Time: 2:00 pm All events at Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center Broadway and 65th Street, NYC Film Society of Lincoln Center The Best in World Cinema
12 noon - 8).
Tickets: $15 / $20
Tickets: $15 / $20
Jackson and cast
Tickets: $25 / $30
On Sunday, January 11:
Revisiting the highlights of his career and exploring The Lord of the Rings Trilogy in depth, hosted by Richard Peņa, Program Director of the Film Society of Lincoln Center
Tickets: $50 / $100