12-12-03 Latest News |
Ticket Exchange Concludes -- with a Bang!
maegwen @ 8:55 pm EST
...I regret to announce that this is the END. Tonight is our final night of Ticket Exchange offerings for the Trilogy Tuesday marathons. In the last 5+ weeks we have put nearly 90 tickets into the hands of fans at FACE VALUE. After tonight that number will be closer to 120. I would like to thank all of our ticket sellers, and everyone who has participated. LOTR fans are great people! For our final night of Ticket Exchange, we have 22+ offers on the table!!!! BEFORE going ahead to the ticket exchange listings, PLEASE READ: You are responding to offers for tickets to Trilogy Tuesday. These tickets are for PURCHASE. You are not winning tickets, but the opportunity to be put in contact with a seller holding tickets. The priced and individual special circumstances, if any, are noted on each offering. DO NOT RESPOND to a ticket offering if you are not 100% certain that you can afford to purchase the tickets, pay for overnight shipping (which may cost upwards of $20), and obtain free time to attend the marathon. There is NO more time for sellers to find new buyers, and they cannot run the risk that you will back out at the last moment -- depriving them of making back their money, and depriving other fans the opportunity to "win" these tickets. Please do not let your enthusiasm win out over common sense. Thanks! (Scroll to read more) You MUST include your e-mail address, real name, AND PHONE NUMBER in your response. Albany, NY: WE HAVE WINNERS! No more e-mails please! Chicago, IL: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Columbia, SC: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Concord, NC: Edina, MN: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Franklin, TN Jacksonville, FL: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Madison, WI: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Madison, WI: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Manchester, CT: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! New Brunswick, NJ: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! North Canton, OH: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Rochester, NY: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! San Jose, CA: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! San Jose, CA: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Tucson, AZ: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Valley View (Cleveland), OH: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Winston Salem, NC: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Mississauga, Ontario: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please! Good luck everyone! And, Thanks!
NOTE: I have ONE set of FOUR tickets, and ONE set of TWO tickets.... I will break these up on a first-come, first-served basis. If I receive first 2 e-mails asking for TWO, then only TWO tickets will remain. If I receive a request for TWO and FOUR, then no tickets will remain. Etc. You get the picture.
This offering is for TWO tickets to the Regal Crossgates Mall 18 in Albany, NY. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $70 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Absolutely Want Albany Tickets." Please state whether you need TWO or FOUR tickets
NOTE: Seller is willing to meet purchaser at theater to avoid snail mail snafus/anxiety and/or save postage fees.
This offering is for ONE ticket to the AMC River East 21 in Chicago, IL. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $31 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Calling for Chicago Ticket."
This offering is for TWO tickets to the AMC Dutch Square 14 in Columbia, SC. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $50 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Crazy for Columbia Tickets."
NOTE: Seller is willing to meet purchaser at theater to avoid snail mail snafus/anxiety and/or save postage fees.
This offering is for TWO tickets to the Concord Mills AMC 24 in Concord, NC. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $25 each + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Concord Mills Ticket, Please."
This offering is for ONE ticket to the MegaStar 16 Cinema in Edina, MN. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $25 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Excited about Edina Tickets."
NOTE: This seller is offering ELECTRONIC TICKETS. The buyer must be prepared and willing to meet the buyer at the theater on 12/16 to exchange cash/tickets. Please do not request these tickets if you are uncomfortable with this scenario.
This offering is for TWO tickets to the Carmike Thoroughbred 20 in Franklin, TN. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $36 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Find me Franklin Tickets, Please."
This offering is for ONE ticket to the Orange Park 24 in Jacksonville, FL. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $25 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Just Jacksonville Tickets."
This offering is for TWO tickets to the Marcus Theatres Point 16 in Madison, WI. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $68 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Mad About Madison Tickets."
This offering is for TWO tickets to the Marcus Theatres Point 16 in Madison, WI. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $71 including postage. The subject line MUST read: "Make Mine Madison Tickets (too)."
NOTE: Seller is willing to meet purchaser at theater to avoid snail mail snafus/anxiety and/or save postage fees.
This offering is for TWO tickets to the National Amusements Showcase 16 Buckland in Manchester, CT. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $50. The subject line MUST read: "Manchester CT Tickets, Please."
This offering is for ONE ticket to the Loews Cineplex New Brunswick 18 in New Brunswick, NJ. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $35 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Need New Jersey Ticket."
This offering is for TWO tickets to the Cinemark Tinseltown in North Canton, OH. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $51.50 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "North by North Canton Tickets."
This offering is for ONE ticket to the Tinseltown Theater in Rochester, NY. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $25 + $18 overnight postage. The subject line MUST read: "Rochester Ticket Please."
This offering is for ONE ticket to the Century Oakridge 20 in San Jose, CA. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $26 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Send Me San Jose Ticket."
This offering is for ONE ticket to the Century Oakridge 20 in San Jose, CA. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $50.50 (which includes the special "Orc Feast" package) + postage. The subject line MUST read: "San Jose Orc Feast Please."
NOTE: Cash only. Seller wishes to meet buyer at theater to exchange tickets. Please do not request these tickets if you are uncomfortable with this scenario.
This offering is for TWO tickets to the Park Place Century Park Theater in Tuscon, AZ. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $50. The subject line MUST read: "Tickled About Tuscon Tickets."
This offering is for ONE ticket to the Valley View Cinemark Theater in Valley View (Cleveland), OH. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $25 + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Valley View (or is it Cleveland?) Ticket!"
This offering is for ONE ticket to the Carmike Wynnsong 12 in Winston Salem, NC. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $26+ postage. The subject line MUST read: "Wishing for Winston Salem Ticket."
Richmond, BC, Canada
This offering is for TWO ticket to the Silvercity Riverport in Richmond, BC, Canada. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $100 (Canadian) + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Richmond BC Tickets."
NOTE: Large groups, I know of a seller with THIRTEEN tickets. E-mail me for details
This offering is for TWO tickets to the Famous Players Coliseum in Mississauga, Ontario. The first person to e-mail maegwen@theonering.net with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $49.95 (Canadian) + postage. The subject line MUST read: "Pair of Ontario Tickets."