11-22-03 Latest News |
Trilogy Tuesday: Hawaii
Xoanon @ 4:44 pm EST
Isilnįriėn writes: Aloha Xo!
I just wanted to let you know about some of the great things going on here in Hawaii for Trilogy Tuesday and the premier of ROTK. Naturally, we are all counting the minutes until December 16th. Although it took three weeks to sell out the theater (rather than the 30 minutes or less it took elsewhere), at last all seats (400+) have been sold.
We have something called "Concierge Services" at the Ward Theater complex where Trilogy Tuesday will transpire. The most excellent and admirable Hobbit in charge is a fellow named Pono Shim. Pono is not a rabid LOTR fan; however, he knows this is going to be a Once-In-A-Lifetime experience for us and has the wits and foresight to ensure that it will be a total LOTR happening. To this end, he has enlisted the aid and suggestions of LOTR fans here, working with us to make it extra-special and not just a movie-viewing outing.
He is purchasing lots of LOTR related merchandise, things that most retailers in Hawaii do not provide, such as T-shirts, posters, bookmarks, caps, denim jackets, etc. He has discovered that things go out the door almost as fast as he can order them, like the new ROTK magnet set. Most notably, he is having special Trilogy Tuesday shirts made to commemorate the event. Naturally, "I'm getting one!" as Pippin said!
And, in true Hobbit fashion, between the first film of FOTR and the showing of TTT we will have FOOD available at the theater! Just for us! Hobbit food! He is providing two different boxed dinners for purchase. The first is "Rabbit Mushroom Stew" which has chicken (rabbit substitute!), mushrooms, potatoes, and carrots, accompanied by Middle-Earth sausages and a chocolate scone. The second is "Vegetarian Stew" which has tofu (okay, not exactly Middle-Earth, but hey, we vegetarians need our protein too!), mushrooms, potatoes, and carrots, accompanied by a variety of cheeses and a chocolate scone. Now I ask you, is this fantastic or what?!
The excitement here is building for the ROTK Premier Party on December 14th (visit www.tolandune.net for the details) followed by Trilogy Tuesday on December 16th. Although we are way out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, far from the fevered frenzy of fans in the larger cities where greater events happen more often, where resources are thick and fan bases broad, let it not be said that we did not hold our own! That we of the Polynesian-Paralysis-Laid-Back-In-The-Sun-Riders-Of-The-Big-Surf did nothing! The countdown has begun!