11-19-03 Latest News |
21st Century Radio Goes Geek
Xoanon @ 5:18 pm EST
Nate from 21stcenturyradio.com writes: The radio program: 21st Century Radio will be streaming and archiving (free real player archives) interviews with Tolkien scholar and author of "The Philosophical Etymology of Hobbit" Professor Stan McDaniel on November 23rd, 2003 from 7-9pm EST. Also interviews with Brad Bridges- the production manager for the Sideshow WETA line of LOR collectibles and Mike Simon, VP of Sales and Marketing for Artbox Ent. about their exciting line of Tolkien Action Flipz Collectible Cards and Stickers featuring all 3 LOR movies. [Archives direct link (will be available after 11/23/2003)]
Other LOR free archived interviews can be heard at above link also (including Sean Astin, John Rhys Davies, etc).