10-09-03 Latest News |
Great Collectormania 4 Images!
Xoanon @ 10:26 pm EST
Cheshire Cat writes:
Here are some of Cheshire Cat's pictures from Collectormania 4. It was without doubt the most exciting, exhilerating, nerve-wracking and completely wonderful experiences of my 39 years. I met up with 4 other TORNsibs who had become friends through the Discussion Boards and Jordan the Discursive had travelled from Alabama to the UK with the sole purpose of meeting Elijah. We had an incredible weekend together and thanks to TORN some great friendships have been formed as a result.
We decided to tackle the whole event by rising early in the morning and getting the autographing done as soon as possible, and then after lunch on both days we headed off to the cinema to queue for the Q&A/screenings. On the Saturday night we attended the TT screening where the guests were Dom, Sala, Lawrence and Brent. We were sitting on the very front row and were close enough to touch the mike stands with our toes. It was incredible fun. We did the same on the Sunday and got to the cinema at about 2pm and sat queuing in the corridor meeting and chatting with other Ringers. Whilst here we came across three more TORNsibs. This time we were sitting just one row back but I had a great view of the guys between the seats in front of me. This Q&A was with Sean and Elijah. Having spent from 9.45am until 6pm signing autographs for the hoards of fans we were expecting them to be tired and quiet. On the contrary! When Elijah's name was announced he ran into the auditorium at full pelt and did three laps of the place "high fiving" as he went with the fans towards the back of the room. They were buzzing and so was the audience! They answered all the questions that were thrown at them and after an hour the organisers started to signal that the time was up. Sean and Elijah were having none of it! They were having far too much fun and carried on for a good half hour after the allotted time. Half way through the session, Sean's phone rang and it turned out to be his brother in L.A. We all shouted hello to him and then Sean said we could ask him 5 questions. Each time he answered they would put the phone up to the microphone and the place went silent to listen to this little voice on the other side of the world. He was asked what it was like living with Dom Monaghan and he replied "oh, just like any other hobbit!". He was a star!
Sean and Elijah both showed off their tattooes but unfortunately I was too slow with my camera for Elijah and sitting at the wrong angle to see Sean's ankle (hence the rather strange picture of him sitting with his leg in the air).
I've included a copy of the picture I had taken with Sean Astin after he had signed my set of Production Notes. As I walked up to him I plucked up the courage and said "Sean, Do you think I could have a hug?" He smiled and said "of course" and then wrapped his arms around me and gave me the biggest bearhug. He was really lovely, and he had just made my day!
I know there have been a few negative things said about Collectormania, but I maintain that it was a truly spectacular weekend for the TORNsibs. We worked hard at making it successful by getting to places very early, but we had so much fun talking to fellow Ringers that the time in queues just flew by.
So that was Cheshire Cat, Jordan the Discursive, Meliana, Greenwood Hobbit and Sauron's Slipper's adventures at Collectormania.