9-21-03 Latest News |
Armageddon 2003 Report from NZ!
Xoanon @ 2:10 pm EST
NZBoy writes: Arrived at Armageddon early yesterday in the morning and greeted by a HUGE crowd waiting to get in.
The expo has famous people there like David Prowse (Darth Vadar) and Peter Mayhew (Chewbucca). Dymocks has a display of a lot of the Weta Workshop props, like Gimlis axes, Different face expressions of Gollum, Cave Troll, Lurtz, Goblin Archer etc.
At 1pm they had a Weta Workshop panel, of Gino Acevedo, Bay Raitt and also Lawrence Makaoare. There were mainly showing us how Gollum was developed from a pencil drawing to what we see on the screen, very interesting!! The life-like Gollum in the pics was a model that was made by Gino, was made from silicon and we were allowed to touch it after their tallk. The skin was so life like and felt like the real Gollum. Was amazing to touch.
After there session they were signing autographs and posing for photos. There will be the same again today.