9-15-03 Latest News |
London Science Museum Images
Xoanon @ 2:45 pm EST
Irascian writes: I know Leo and Arathorn are doing a piece on the Science Museum LOTR Exhibition and don’t want to steal their thunder but thought you might appreciate these two exclusive pictures from the photo call in the morning that they weren’t able to attend.
The first one shows Richard and Laurence at the press call and the second shows John Tickle from the UK’s “Big Brother” show being attacked by Lurtz! Enjoy!
I will be putting up a full transcript of the Press Conference Q&A session (held in the morning) on my web site eventually but the Decipher fan club magazine article has to take priority. The magazine will be featuring some exclusive pictures from the exhibition that won’t be appearing anywhere else (photography is generally not allowed inside the exhibit other than at the press launch) – yes, that’s a plug for the magazine ;-)
Just a word of warning: demand for the exhibition is high and the organizers warned several times people should book in advance using the booking line number of 0870 870 4868. The exhibition leaves around January 10th and will be moving on to Singapore.
Anyone remotely interested in the films would be foolish to miss this exhibition – it is awesome. To quote one of the organizers “you will see things here you couldn’t see in the film”. He’s right![More]