7-02-03 Latest News |
They Cropped Anduril!
Xoanon @ 3:52 pm EST
I know this has been debated before, but John son of Joe sent this along and I had to post it:
I have always liked the detail that they put into all the swords in the movies, but when I saw the new teaser poster of Aragorn holding Narsil, I said "Hey, wait a minute. Narsil and Anduril are full two handed swords. And Aragorn isn't holding a two handed sword."
So I went out and got a teaser poster image and a shot of Narsil and over laid one on the other and low and behold, after I rezised them to match, I find that they cropped Anduril! That just ain't right. I thought that those elves were good smiths. Guess they should have sent it back to the dwarves and had Telchar do it.