12-29-02 Latest News |
Mortensen Shines on CNN en Espanol
Demosthenes @ 8:15 pm EST
Elvasdottir writes: Greetings to all Tolkien fans from Delmar, New York! Here follows a resume of a program that will surely delight all LOTR geeks, especially those in Argentina, because it offers some personal details about Viggo Mortensen .... For your convenience I am sending this in English and Spanish.
Last night (12/28) on CNN En Espanol, the Spanish-language version of CNN, they interviewed Peter Jackson and several actors from TTT, including Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Brad Dourif, Bernard Hill, Miranda Otto, and Viggo Mortensen. The interviews were conducted in English with real-time Spanish translation. Because most of the information put forth was material we have already heard in one forum or another, I will not recap it here.
In particular our rugged yet sensitive hero Aragorn shone forth, as he surprised even the interviewer, who appeared to be a native speaker of Spanish, with his fine command of the language. He surprised me as well, even though I knew he was fluent, with his thoughtful answers and remarkable lack of an American accent. The interviewer admitted that his investigation of Viggo had failed to turn up the fact that he was fluent in Spanish! In addition to posing him questions regarding the film and how it has changed his life, the interviewer asked him where/how he learned Spanish. Viggo responded that his family had moved to Venezuela when he was 1 1/2 years old, and then a year later to Argentina, where he lived till he was 11. He has been back there once, recently, and toured all around Buenos Aires, finding the neighborhoods where he grew up largely by memory. Pretty amazing, considering how long he has been away! In addition, he rented a car and travelled all around the pampas and even went up into Cordoba. Unfortunately he was not able to visit el Chaco, where he also lived for a short time. He said he would like to go back to Argentina, in particular to promote the film. Acquaintances in Argentina have been asking him when he will go, but so far he has not officially been offered the chance to do so.
Viggo then asked the interviewer if the interview would be shown in Argentina, and the interviewer responded that, yes, it would be seen in Argentina, Mexico, the USA, and Canada. Viggo then sent kisses to all Argentine viewers, said he hoped that their economic and political situation would improve soon, and sent hugs to all the fans of an Argentine soccer team, San Lorenzo de Almagro. He then called out the slogan of the team, Up with the Crows! Hopefully, I have transcribed that properly:-)
Our hero is obviously not only a fine actor, sensitive, creative, artistic, and politically savvy, but a well-rounded human being as well. What a prince! whoops, I mean king:-) May his star continue its ascendance!
Elvasdottir has also provided a spanish version of the report ...
Saludos a todos los aficionados de Tolkien desde Delmar, New York! Aqui esta el resumen de un programa que seguramente deleitara a todas las hinchas de El Senor de los Anillos, especialmente los de Argentina, en particular porque ofrece unos detalles personales acerca de Viggo Mortensen....Para que entiendan mejor lo presento en ingles y en espanol.
Anoche en el canal CNN En Espanol, el canal version de hablahispana de CNN, entrevistaron a Peter Jackson y varios actores de Las Dos Torres, incluso a Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Brad Dourif, Bernard Hill, Miranda Otto, and Viggo Mortensen. Las entrevistas se hicieron en ingles con traducciones simultaneas a espanol. La mayoria de la informacion es materia de la cual ya nos hemos enterado en alguno u otro foro, por lo cual no la presento en este informe.
En particular nuestro heroe fuerte pero sensible, Aragorn, se lucio, porque sorprendio al entrevistador, quien aparecio ser de hablahispana de nacimiento, con su fino dominio del idioma. Me sorprendio a mi, tambien, a pesar de que ya supe que era fluido, con sus respuestas consideradas y su inexistente acento "gringo". El entrevistador admitio que durante su investigacion de Viggo no habia descubierto su dominio del espanol! Ademas de preguntarle acerca de la pelicula y como ha cambiado su vida, el entrevistador le pregunto como y donde habia aprendido el espanol. Viggo le contesto que su familia habia vivido en Venezuela cuando el tenia un ano y medio de edad, y un ano despues se fueron a vivir a Argentina, donde el vivio hasta los once anos de edad. Ha visitado a Argentina una vez desde entonces, recientemente, y recorrio todo Buenos Aires, encontrando los barrios donde vivio mas que todo por memoria, lo cual es muy sorprendente en consideracion de que no habia ido alla desde que tenia once anos! Ademas, alquilo carro y viajo por toda la pampa y tambien hasta Cordoba. Lo que no pudo hacer fue visitar al Chaco, donde tambien vivio por un periodo corto. Dijo que le gustaria volver a visitar a Argentina, en particular para promocionar la pelicula. Tiene amigos en Argentina que quieren saber cuando podria ir alla, pero todavia no se ha presentado la oportunidad de una manera oficial.
Viggo en ese momento pregunto al entrevistador si la entrevista iba a ser presentada en Argentina. El entrevistador respondio que si, que se iba a mostrar en Argentina, Mexico, USA, y Canada. Viggo entonces mando besos a la gente argentina, deseandoles que la situacion politico-economica se resolviera pronto, y tambien mando un abrazo especial a los aficionados del equipo de futbol argentino San Lorenzo de Almagro. Tambien dijo la consigna de ese equipo, Arriba los cuervos! Espero que la capte bien:-)
Obviamente nuestro heroe no solo es un actor fino, sensible, creativo, artistico, y politicamente bien-informado, pero tambien un ser humano muy completo. Que principe! uupps, quisiera decir rey:-) Que su estrella siga su trayectoria!