12-17-02 Latest News |
More Reviews Than You Can Possibly Read!
Demosthenes @ 7:12 pm EST
CNN, AICN, ABC, NYT ... arghh ... I'm going review mad here! Anyway, here is a review round-up from critics and sites around the world. And remember, if you have a fan review, you'll be able to post it in our Two Towers review section very very soon ... Spoilers may lurk in these reviews!! First up, Ms Allegro's review from BagEndInn.com [More] CNN's review: [More] The New York Times (registration required): [More] A quote: The director Peter Jackson's scrupulous devotion to the spirit of J. R. R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy manifests itself in a gripping, intense fashion for the second of the film adaptations, "The Two Towers." Fandango: [More] ABC news: [More] The Guardian: [More] The Onion: [More] plus an amusing [infographic]. Metacritic's reviews compilation: [More] Chicago Tribune: [More] Penny Arcade: [More] AICN: [More] The LA Times Gollum article (we posted the scan already, but it's worth a second look!): [More] IGN Filmforce: [More] And now I'm reviewed out! Thanks to everyone who sent in the links - far too many people to mention, but your work is much appreciated!