12-07-02 Latest News |
"I Am In Fact A Hobbit"
Jincey @ 12:05 am EST
Announcing New Publications at Mercer University Press: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) was a brilliant writer who continues to leave his imaginative imprint on the mind and hearts of readers. He was once called the "creative equivalent of a people," and for more than sixty years his Middle-earth tales have captivated and delighted readers of all ages from all over the world. The Hobbit has long been recognized as a children's fantasy classic, and the heroic romance the Lord of the Rings has been called the most influential story of all time. These stories have sold over 150 million copies worldwide and have been translated into over forty languages, and they, along with works such as the Silmarillion and the History of Middle-Earth, have convinced scores of readers and critics that Tolkien is the master writer of fantasy. Whether you've been a fan for years or you've just recently been hooked by the blockbuster Lord of the Rings movies, "I Am in Fact a Hobbit" is an excellent starting point into the life and work of J. R. R. Tolkien. This indispensable and concise introduction to the career of J. R. R. Tolkien includes: Perry C. Bramlett is the author of C. S. Lewis: Life at the Center, Touring C. S. Lewis' Ireland and England and was a contributor to the best-selling C. S. Lewis Readers' Encyclopedia. He is the founder of C. S. Lewis for the Local Church Interstate Ministries, a nationwide speaking and teaching ministry. Perry is a native of Fairhope AL, and now lives with his wife Joan in Louisville KY. Joe R. Christopher is professor emeritus at Tarleton State University (Stephenville TX). ISBN 0-86554-851-X MUP H642 hardback $25.00, online price $20.00 Mercer University Press, established in 1979, has published more than 850 books. Mercer is the only Baptist-related institution with an active fulltime publishing program. The reputation of the Press significantly enhances the academic environment of the University and carries the name of Mercer throughout the world. Please place your order by visiting us online for our complete list of available titles. [More]
"I Am In Fact A Hobbit"
An Introduction to the Life and Works of J.R.R. Tolkien
by Perry C. Bramlett; reflective chapter by Joe R. Christopher