11-07-02 Latest News |
Extended DVD Review - Timothy
leo @ 6:22 pm EST
This is my first time writng in, but the Extended Version was so spectacular it requires it. I went expecting a bit of a line and other fans 'dressed' for the occasion. Alas, I was the only one in partial dress. But, everyone else was able to identify the right line easily enough. :D I have found previously in other movies that added scenes and extended movies normally don't justify the expense of buying it again. Nothing story-intensive is usually there, just some side tidbits. This Extended DVD IS the exception. The start of the movie is most different, the trip between Hobbiton and Rivendell really pulls alot of loose ends together and sets up for on-coming scenes, Rivendell and Lochlorien have been expanded with most-important scenes and revelations. Especially between Grimli and Galadriel. This was a part that should never have been cut out of the original theatre release. And the digital format and theatre projection was breathtaking. The difference was like having seen it orignally on a badly received TV signal through rabbit-earred antennas. The clarity, sharpness and color presentation were just - breathtaking. Immediately noticed when the green General Audiences Previews screen came up. And the TTT trailer preview - Webster's hasn't created the words to do it justice in writing. Others have already gone into details. This is just my spin on it.