8-05-02 Latest News |
Massive Hall of Fire Update!
Demosthenes @ 3:34 am EST
The HoF transcripts page is one of the more popular sections of TORn; we receive many e-mails from people who say they enjoy reading them. Of late, those e-mails have been wondering when the logs of recent chats would be posted. Unfortunately, real life interruptions, and important maintenance on other parts of the site, has meant that the HoF page has fallen way behind. However, we can finally announce that this has been fixed and TORn has a whole plethora of previous HoF chats for our avid readers to pore over. Over the past few days, TORn staffer Arathorn (who deserves more thanks than I can adequately express) has been literally slaving to fix the Hall of Fire page and implement a system to not only bring the chats up to date, but to simplify the process of posting them. This is good news for us, because it's only takes 30 minutes to edit a log now, rather than a week! And, it's good news for you also because you'll be able to read HoF transcripts virtually right away, instead of having to wait for days and weeks (and sometimes months). You'll also discover that the HoF page will be more frequently updated with future topics. On behalf of all HoF staff, I'd like to thanks Arathorn for his sterling efforts, and encourage you all to check out the changes. [More]