7-25-02 Latest News

See LoTR: FoTR at Wal-Mart
Demosthenes @ 7:47 am EST

Ford of Rivendell writes:
I was at Wal-Mart today and there are signs and miniature standees all over the place advertising LOTR: FOTR. In the electronics section, at the register I saw a box with the title on there and the release date of August 6th.

On the one side of the box there was a stack of cards, about business card size, that is dark green with gold lettering. It has a picture of the fellowship, like many posters have had and the cover of the DVD, and is surrounded with the engraving of the ring as a border. It gives the title and logo for LOTR: FOTR. On the back it says:

Take this card to the electronics department and scan the UPC (barcode) to see footage from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Journey Begins on DVD and VHS August 6
(and at the bottom the rights for New Line Productions and the UPC)

Which I tried to do but the scanner thing doesn't work there.

Beside it in the box are yellow bags for popcorn that say you can take to the Radio Grill (in Wal-Mart) and get a free bag of popcorn.

Also I asked a nice lady if I could have one of the mini-standees and she told me to go ahead, so I did. It's similar to the picture of the Fellowship traveling, where they are in the foreground with white capped mountains in the background. It also has the logo and says The Journey Begins on DVD and VHS August 6.

Frodos_Girl13 also writes:
Wal-Mart is continuing to give out free stuff, and my grandmother managed to grab this cardboard Frodo display for me. Whether this was only possible because she has clients who work there, I don't know, but I suppose someone could just ask for one....