7-10-02 Latest News

TTT Premiere in Paris?
leo @ 2:58 pm EST

Sir Ian McKellen mentioned it a few weeks ago in his entry in The White Book, but the rumors are getting stronger that the premiere for Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers will be held in Paris this year! Sarah emailed us today asking if we happened to know any more details about the premiere, and to be honest; no, we don't know a thing.

However I started looking for theatres in Paris and came up with the Odeon theatre (hey isn't that a coincidence? The world premiere for FOTR was held in the Odeon theatre in London...) that might very well be the location for the premiere!

Look for a larger version of this picture here.

Well, assuming this is indeed the place all that we now have to know is the date. Last year the premiere in London was held on the 10th while the worldwide releasedate the 19th so it would be reasonable safe to assume that the premiere will now be sometime around the 10th again (because it looks like TTT will get a worldwide release at December 18th) So, I'm putting my money on either monday the 9th (it was on a monday last year after all) or tuesday the 10th as the date for the worldpremiere in Paris.

So there you have it folks, I know it's still a few months away but hey, there's no reason why we can't speculate! So start packing your bags and making plans to camp outside because I've got a feeling this might very well be the place to see Peter Jackson, sir Ian McKellen and all the others this december! If anyone out there might already know something more about the premiere, please don't hesitate and drop me a line!