12-17-01 Latest News |
LA Tolkien Fans Unite!
Calisuri @ 5:58 pm EST
TolkienOnline and TheOneRing.net would like to invite all Los Angeles Tolkien fans to join us for a day of fun and enjoyment as we line up for the worldwide release of Fellowship of the Ring. Our two websites are combining resources to bring the Los Angeles fans some amazing prizes and special guests. Among the highlights: Sideshow/WETA Collectibles will be sending a special messenger throughout the day to bring the line party participants special prizes. Among the rumoured prizes are Sideshow/WETA busts, helms, statues and other surprise items. Decipher Gaming will also be in attendance with special offers. Win copies of the Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game, posters, postcards and much more! There will also be a demonstration on how to play throughout the day. The party starts at 8am Tuesday morning on CityWalk at Universal Studios, so don't be late. You will need to be in attendance and get a raffle ticket to be eligible for the prizes. See you in line!