11-08-01 Latest News |
Serious USA Produces CD Cardz For FOTR
Strider @ 4:30 pm EST
Join The Hobbits On Their Journey From Middle-Earth To Your Desktop First Series Of The Lord Of The Rings CD Rom Cardz In Stores Thanksgiving Day - New York, New York, November 7 2001 As the first instalment of New Line Cinema’s highly anticipated epic, live-action trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, careens towards the big screen on December 19, Frodo, Gandalf, Strider, and Ringwraiths will also hit your monitor screen in a series of CD Rom Cardz. The premiere 4-card set of CD Cardz based on the first instalment, "The Fellowship of the Ring," will offer fans an in-depth look at the greatest fantasy-adventure story ever told -- inside an era where humans share the world with immortal elves, powerful wizards and industrious dwarves. Fully loaded with highlights, screensavers, film trailers and sound FX, the first set of the official The Fellowship of the Ring Cardz will feature the lead characters of "Middle Earth" including Elijah Wood as "Frodo Baggins," Sir Ian McKellen as "Gandalf," Viggo Mortensen as "Strider," and the looming Ringwraiths. Produced by Serious USA, Inc., CD Cardz are the latest in portable and affordable hi-tech, entertainment products and marks the introduction of digital collectibles without the headaches of additional software and hardware installation. The first set of The Lord of the Rings CD Cardz will be available November 22 and will retail for $19.95 in select stores nationwide and at serioususa.com. Serious USA will continue to produce CD Cardz series for the entire trilogy, including: The Two Towers (December 02) and The Return of the King (December 03). "The Lord of the Rings is a breakthrough movie franchise on a staggering scale," said Serious USA President, David-Joseph Brown. "The world of this classic story, brought to the screen by the creme of international moviemakers, translates brilliantly on to our new technology." "We’re excited to partner with Serious USA for The Lord of the Rings CD ROM Cardz," commented Randi Goodman, Vice President, Domestic Licensing and Merchandising, New Line Cinema. "Without a doubt, Tolkien enthusiasts will be mesmerized by the cutting-edge artistry of the films. Now, with the CD ROM Cardz, fans of all ages can take some of this cinematography home with them." Serious USA, the producer of the CD Cardz, is the U.S. operating company of UK-based Serious Global Holdings Ltd (SGH) which sold close to 3 million CD Cardz in its first year of operation including: Euro 00 Soccer; Titan A.E. , Westlife; and Butt-Ugly Martians. Based in Manhattan, Serious USA is a cutting-edge multimedia company specializing in the production of CD Cardz for the consumer market. More information about Serious USA can be obtained at www.serioususa.com.