10-31-01 Latest News |
Decipher Updates
Berendir @ 5:51 pm EST
If you've seen this in the trailers, you know this scene promises to be one of the coolest in FOTR - doesn't make for a bad card image either! Decipher Message Boards Join the lively discussion on our Decipher.com message boards! Whether you want to talk about gameplay, ask rules questions, trade cards, work on deck designs, or create text-based dream cards, there's a message board for you. Before posting to our message boards, please read the Rules of Usage and Code of Conduct that govern all of our online communications. [More] The Decipher contests keep getting more simple! Don't miss a chance to win this one - it's on luck alone! Decipher has updated its store with none other than Lord of the Rings merchandise! [More]
Decipher launched a host of new message boards on all the topics concering their TCG and more.
Decipher Contest #9:
This test, the ninth and final one, is simple, yet out of your control. Simply send in your entry and wait to see what path Faith will choose for you. [More]
Register as a Lord of the Rings TCG Tournament Director.
Complete this easy "no wait" online application, send, and we'll respond immediately with your permanent director ID. After the sanctioned Lord of the Rings TCG tournament program begins, this ID will allow you to post events, edit and delete them, and manage and review your own personal data. Handle your ID with care, and don't share it. Welcome to our Tournaments team! [More]