9-21-01 Latest News |
LOTR Barnes&Noble Feature
Xoanon @ 9:12 pm EST
From: Anthony Just wanted to give you a heads up on one of the Barnes and Noble mags given out free every other month at any B&N. The sci fi fantasy one is entitled Explorations, just like other genre mags free at B&N, this one can be found at the scifi section of a B&N. Anyhow, the Oct/Nov issue has an inter view with PJ, an excerpt from one of the upcoming movie book companions and a contest wtih ten questions which will put the contestant in the drawing for Sideshow Weta Statues, or a set of Games Workshop miniatures from their up coming games. I looked for a link on the B&N site and could not find one and the mag has no web referance address. Hopefully I can get you scans of this feature but I shall here include the questions and the mailing info where people can send in their answers. 1-What sort of creature was Gollum? 2-How old was Frodo when Bilbo gave his farewell birthday party? 3-Give both names for Aragorns sword before and after it was reforged. 4-When Frodo was wounded by the Nazgul Lord what did Aragorn go to fetch?? 5-What gift did Gimli ask of Galadriel? 6-What was the last vision that Frodo saw in the Mirrior of Galadriel? 7-How did Gandalf escape from the Tower of Orthanc? 8-When Frodo asked Goldberry, "Who is Tom Bombadil?" what was her reply? 9-In what hall was a carved image of a tree inset with gems? 10-What game largely inspired by Tolkien, did Gary Gygax create in the mid-1970's? The contest askes for name, address, City/State/Zip Code, phone# and Email address. Answers get sent to: Explorations/Killen, Barnes and Noble, INc. 122 Fifth Ave., New York, NY, 10011 All entries must be postmarked no later than NOv7th 2001. Grand prize winner will recieve all 4 series 1 statues 10 second prize will recieve FOTR basic game from Games Workshop.