Tickets for the Trilogy Wednesday marathon are all sold out for Village on Queen's Megascreen in Auckland, but lineparty leader Tark and I [Yep, that's Tehanu] would like to invite those of you who are booked independently of the line party to join us for refreshments at The Playhouse Pub before the first screening. Or even if you're in Auckland and want to party with other LOTR fans before the long-awaited midnight screening.Event: The VoQF: Return of the King World Release Party
Venue: The Playhouse Pub, 291-297 Queen St, Aotea Square
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm (Marathon group must arrive by 1:00pm)
Tark is the man to talk to for more information about this - after organising the Return of the Ringers party in Wellington I'm not going to lift a finger. So here's lineparty coordinator Tark: