Moriah, 10:30 am EST, 10/7
Just last night, I called the theather in DC (Loews Cineplex Uptown) that will be showing the trilogy. According to the woman I talked to, the showtimes will be posted this Thursday and at that time, tickets can be bought online at She also told me that the matinee showing is $6.25 and the evening showings are $8.25. I was a little surprised that they didn't have one price for all 3 for Trilogy Tuesday (like Seattle's $30 all-in-one ticket) and would not be surprised if these prices aren't exactly correct. Lovin' the site! Keep up the great work!
Miriel, Line Party Leader, 12:37 pm EST 10/7
Having called the Uptown earlier this afternoon, I was told ticket prices will be available tomorrow. Earlier in the week a gentleman told me they were selling by the screening, but I am assuming this was an uninformed worker. Fandango, which services the Uptown, *does* have Trilogy Tuesday listed as a viable screening, so Uptown should be falling under that category. Whether they will also be selling individual tickets is anyone's guess. I will update you again tomorrow when I have talked to someone who actually knows something.
Raq, 12:47 pm EST 10/9
They seem to be selling the tickets for each movie in the trilogy individually, but only have two showtimes listed. Folks who have purchased tickets from the Uptown (via Fandango) should keep checking back for corrections to the billing.
Dom, 1:10 pm EST 10/9
Quite confusing to purchase tickets on Fandango. First, got 1pm screening listed as 'LOTR trilogy' then 10.30pm also listed as "LOTR Trilogy' then when clicked on CO Uptown link found 5.30 screening listed as 'TTT-Extended Edition'. Tried to contact Uptown but the line was constantly busy, have purchased all three tickets (I'm taking no chances with this one!) as of 1.10pm EST.
Kathy, 1:18 pm EST 10/9
The third showtime is hidden--it is in the "Loews Uptown 1" link directly above the 1 and 10:30 showtimes. THis link shows a 5:30 showtime for TTT, listed in a separate category from the Trilogy Tuesday. You can also access it by the Dec 16th date under the TTT extended information.
Isembard Took, 2:07 EST pm 10/9
LLL, 2:09 pm EST 10/9
Tickets for Trilogy Tuesday have completely sold out for ON-LINE pre-purchase. They have held a stash back for box office purchase, however, when I stopped by the theater at 12:30, the line was VERY long. The Uptown is selling 3 separate tickets for the shows. Only the FotR Extended and RotK early screening were listed under the Trilogy Tuesday link. TTT Extended was under a separate link, and since it sold out in 19 minutes, was a VERY dangerous proposition for on-line buyers. Hope you were one of the fortunate!!
Mike, 8:54 am EST 10/10
The Uptown theater in DC (as of last night) still has some tickets available for the individual shows. I had gotten tickets to the first two shows on fandango but the third was sold out by the time I went to order those. When I called the theater I was told that all shows were sold out but when I mentioned that I had bought tickets online and been unable to get all three shows, they said to come by and pick up my tickets and they would sell me tickets to the third show.
So, if you bought Uptown tickets online but were not able to get tickets to all three shows, they seem to be willing to work with you. Give them a call or stop by and see what they can do for you. As of last night they still had tickets to use in this regard but they said they were going fast.
BTW, you have to have the credit card you ordered tickets with with you to pick up the online tickets. And only people with online tickets can get these so if you don't have some tickets already you're still out of luck. But, at the moment at least, you can fill the gaps.
Toby, 2:50 pm EST 10/10
If you bought tickets on-line, they will allow you to purchase the tickets you are missing! Only stipulation: you must pay cash for the tickets that were not paid for by credit card. Apparently, they reserved tickets as soon as they realized people thought they were purchasing the whole series. If you didn't purchase from Fandango, you are still out of luck unfortunately.
Miriel, Line Party Leader, 4:05 pm EST 10/10
The Uptown Theatre has sold out. There was a lot of confusion because there was a problem with the Fandango system, so for those who purchased online and accidently only bought a ticket for 1 or 2 of the 3 movies you can buy tickets to the other two with cash (cash only) when you pick up those from the online purchase. The combined package price was 26.25, so if you paid less, you probably only got one of two tickets and not the threepack.
Raq, 5:29 pm EST 10/10
For those folks who are still confused by the train wreck that ordering tickets via Fandango for the Uptown theater in Washington DC:
The story: Fandango sent the registration information to the Uptown Theater in Seattle (which isn't showing the trilogy) rather than to the Uptown in DC, so the theater here wasn't able to offer one ticket to all three movies. When they realized that, they scrambled to offer tickets to each movie, hoping that people would understand they had to purchase 3 tickets per seat for that day.
But then Fandango hosed them again; not only was there no explanatory text on the webpage, but the webpage didn't even list all three movies! You can buy tickets to all three, but the link to the middle on is hidden on the page.
The result: The Uptown vended all the tickets to themselves. If you purchased tickets to the 1:00 (FOTR) and 10:30 (ROTK), take your credit card and purchase confirmation to the Uptown and they will sell you tickets to the 5:30 show (TTT). You'll need to bring cash to buy the tickets (the credit card is proof-of-purchase for the others), but there's no service charge. They will give you the tickets to all 3 movies at that time.
Marc, 6:09 pm EST 10/10
When I logged into Fandango at first only the 10:30pm showing of Trilogy Tuesday was available. I purchased 3 tickets and realized that there was something very wrong when the total per ticket price was normal single show admission. I went back to the site after fruitlessly attempting to get through to the theatre. In the time since my initial purchase a second showing of "Triology Tuesday" was available for 1pm and the "Two Towers" was available for 5 something. I tried to purchase the 1pm showing just in case and I got a message that I was already confirmed because of the 1030pm purchase to the same title. Still not completely trusting I attempted to get the 5:00(something) "Two Towers" tickets and was successful. Immediatly I tried to get the first showing and after going through the entire process was told it was sold out. I am now holding "Two Towers" and "Return of the King" tickets.
I went to the theatre and talked to the manager:
While there were still tickets to the 2nd and 3rd shows available at 7pm the first show was completly sold out. Apparently a number of people have assumed that having the first ticket will get them into the Triology where it will actually only allow them into "Fellowship." The theatre will be completly cleared after each showing and people will have to re-enter a holding line to get back to, likely different, seats. Those people that have purchased 1st show tickets are going to assume that they can get into the later shows. According to management..."THIS WILL NOT BE THE CASE"
Many, many, many people are going to be VERY upset on a chilly December afternoon. The only option I have is that I am waiting to see if 3 tickets to the first show are returned. This is the only way I am going to get in to "Fellowship".
I think that the Uptown should check their security budget NOW, because this day is going to be UGLY.
Now, the reason for the foul up as it was told to me is...
Fandango confused the Uptown in Washington DC with an Uptown in Seattle Washington and sent the download to the wrong theatre. Because of this they had to scamble to get something online. In any event the whole thing is MESSED up. He also said that the tickets were released for sale prior to the 1pm time and this caused problems as well.
Perhaps the only way to rectify this problem is that somebody with clout should release the showing to a second theatre in the DC area. The AMC Hoffman in Alexandria could be a prime choice. They should open ticket sales up to individuals that that partial purchases first and then to the general public. Those you want to change would then be given a refund at the "Uptown" which could release the holes to others in the same situation. Give a 10-15 day period of time for this problem to rectify and you will have much happier folk.
I do not know if this is practical, but I think that something has to be done quickly.
Thanks for reading my book and wish me luck.
Denise, 7:53 pm 10/10
Know exactly what the folks are talking about, I went thru the same nonsense. I went to the box office on my way to a hockey game and bought the remaining tickets ( with a mad dash to the bank across the street for cash!) I needed. I feel for the Uptown management~it was a big problem not of their creation, and a very lovely lady helped me out when I arrived to pick up my tickets. The manager looked like he wanted to run and hid somewhere, so I'm sure the rest of the day went downhill. Fandango screwed up BIG TIME!
But I know one thing, I am NOT going to leave the theater to stand BACK in line for each movie, and plan on writing to them and express this. They need to think ahead about how to handle this!