Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Announcement from Phil Capper:

Earlier this year some of us TORN friends who live in Wellington asked the TORN community if they were interested in homestays with other fans in the Wellington area over the premiere period.

There was a good level of interest so we are going to try and act as a clearing house for those of you who are coming and who would like to experience staying in a Kiwi home with people who are likely to share your enthusiasms.

The premiere is on December 1st. The first thing to point out is that you will NOT get to see the movie that night or at all until the general release. If you come it is for the event. However we will try to get some sort of TORN arranged events for visitors, which might include a party, visits and so on. No promises, but we will try.

This is NOT a commercial activity. It is a community voluntary offer that we New Zealanders tend to be suckers for. We are brokering relationships here, not commerce. We will be careful to vet local people we put you in touch with (Wellington is, after all, a village disguised as a city), but in the end it will be your decision whether you stay with the people we put you in contact with.

If you have already contacted us by Email you should get a personal message within the next few days. If you don't hear from us within a week please remind us!! Otherwise register you name with us as soon as possible.

We are not yet sure what other TORN community activities will take place in Wellington in early December, but watch this space...!


Phillip [Chief organiser, LOTR Premiere Homestays Project]

You can reach Phillip at phillip.capper@webresearch.co.nz
You can reach Tehanu at tehanu@theonering.net