17th-18th May 2003
2003's Tolkien Weekend at Sarehole Mill will be the biggest yet! This is the fourth such event, and now an annual item in the Birmingham calendar. Sarehole Mill was the "original" for the Mill at Bywater in the Shire in The Lord of the Rings.
This year's weekend will be opened by Simon Tolkien!
A miller will be demonstrating his craft with the mill running, and Sarehole Mill will be open for extra hours. Displays from The Tolkien Society and Hall Green Library about Tolkien's life and works within the mill itself.
Dramatised scenes from 'The Hobbit' and 'Lord of the Rings' by Shire Productions. 'Story' walks and archaeological tours of Moseley Bog, in addition to the guided walks taking in Tolkien's childhood haunts, the local ecology, and history of the Cole Valley. Discover the Birmingham's inspiration for The Two Towers.
On the green and around the mill there will be:
-Birmingham City History Bus, Rangers Caravan & Hall Green Historical Society displays
-Environmental displays and information from the local groups that made up the Tolkien Partnership.
-Woodcrafters and a farrier will be demonstrating their skills
-Games Workshop will be running demonstration games
-Waterstones will have a sales stand of middle-earth books
-Pony rides, Face-painting, archery practice for kids young and old, refreshments
-Local radio group Wythall Amateur Radio will be providing their own 'two towers' at a special event station chatting to people on the other side of the world
-Re-enactment from the Longshore Vikings
Displays and demonstrations from: Birmingham EcoPark, RSPB, British Woodcarvers Association, Mehindi Henna Art, WWF Wildlife Trust, handcrafted jewellery, Bee-keepers Association, Morris dancing, Guild of Spinners and Weavers, woodcraft tools, Middle-earth Crafts, textiles and aromatics and Dough Crafts.
Last year's Fun at Mill weekend (19-20th May 2002) saw a record 5,000 people visiting Sarehole Mill. Any queries regarding this Press Release should be addressed to:
Ian Collier, Publicity Officer, 45 Caldew Maltings, Bridge Lane, Carlisle, CA2 5SW e-mail publicity@tolkiensociety.org