Thursday, February 13, 2003
TTT Premiere: Singapore - Xoanon @ 13:45 PST
Jo_Took writes: The Singpore Gala Premiere of TTT, sponsored by Mastercard, was held at the Victoria Concert Hall on December 17th and entrance was by 'invitation only' for the media, local Singapore Celebrities and 50 selected customers of Mastercard who were crazy enought to spend S$500 and also lucky enough to win the invites. Thankfully my fellow LOTR Sister Tarien(in white) and I(in brown and blue) were crazy and lucky enough....

Eventhough we didnt have any of the actual LOTR cast or crew turn up, it was still alot of fun. out of the invited guests, we were the only two to turn up there in "costume" much to the surprise of everyone else. The only other people in costumes were the hired actors and actresses... Anyways, enough of my chatter. Enjoy the pics!