A web site http://www.fanfestautographs.com/viggo.htm is claiming to have arranged a private signing session with Viggo and is pre-selling autographed photographs for $25.00 plus S&H. Viggo asked me to post the following:
To Whom it may concern:
The offer made by Fan Fest Autographs claiming to be making available a private signing by me, through which anyone willing to pay $25 would receive an autographed picture complete, with certificate of authenticity, is completely misrepresentation. Furthermore, I have never charged money for an autograph, nor would I ever do so.
If you have already paid a single cent for an autograph of mine I suggest you go about getting your money back and or contacting the appropriate authorities immediately. Even Fan Fest has now acknowledged that I have never had any contact with them, much less ever endorsed any such venture. Fan Fest has agreed to immediately remove this offer and cancel any and all sales related to me. The person or persons who initiated this scam are morally reprehensible..