"We are an extremely active group, every month we meet for parties, meetings and gaming nights. We sometimes hold auctions at our events to raise money for our branch charity, FONZ - Friends of the National Zoo (we are going to adopt a Peregrine (Pippin) Falcon).
"Our group has a great mix of people, all with a passion for the works of Tolkien and the LOTR films."
News from HerenIstarion in New York. Anthony "...would like to now turn your attention to our Winners of our Heren Istarion Logo Design Contest.The winning entry now completes our Wizard Sized Membership package.
"Also on November 1st join the Staff of Heren Istarion at Barnes and Noble Astor Place, 7:30 pm, for a night of reading The Two Towers. We are going to have also some The Two Towers giveaways and a contest as well for some great prizes(to be announced as we get closer to the event)."
Lastly, in San Francisco the local hobbitheads are planning a monthly moot - something informal over a pint or a latte. This from the sterling folks who brought us two wildly successful picnic events [More]