Thursday, December 27, 2001
Madison, Wisconsin Premiere Party - Xoanon @ 22:55 PST
From: Stacey Lee

Hey there - Ringgamer from the Madison, Wisconsin (USA) line party. BTW please tell Decipher a big thank-you for the cards. My gang had a good time collecting them and swapping them.

We had seventeen people in costume, just in our group alone, plus there were several others in line who also had costumes on, and more of our Ring Game group showed up in mundane clothes to join us. The best thing is, we made the front page of the Madison newspaper The Capital Times!

I'm working on getting one of the group to email me a scanned pic from the newspaper, but meanwhile, most of our pictures including info from the newspaper is all up at if you just want to post the link so people can look.

Ring Game is a twice-yearly LARP of sorts that we play in a state park outside Madison, involving up to 150 players in a game that lasts five hours. Visitors to the line party pics can go to the Ring Game site via the bottom link to find out more about our group and how to join the game.

Thanks for the line party idea and the reporting.

in His service, Stacey Lee! (Ringgamer, who was dressed as Sam)